Accessibility with iPad

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Wednesday 15th November 2017 | National Space Centre, Leicester

Join us for an extensive look at the built in accessibility features of the iPad, useful SEND Apps and how they can be used in the classroom.

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Why attend?

The iPad has many built in accessibility features and we aim to explore these and look at how they could be used in the classroom to assist all learners.

Who Should Attend?

Anyone interested in learning more about the accessibility features within the iPad.
The event is perfect for Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators (SENCO).

WHERE: National Space Centre, Exploration Drive, Leicester, LE4 5NS
WHEN: Wednesday 15th November 2017

Day Schedule



Welcome – Academia


Session 1: Accessibility with iPad – Chris Murphy (Apple Distinguished Educator at Cedar Lodge School)




Session 2: Creativity with Apple Technologies – Paul Hutton (Apple Distinguished Educator)


Morning FAQ




Workshop Carousel


Summary and Close


Private tour of The Space Centre or see an award-winning planetarium show




Paul Hutton

Paul Hutton


Paul is a highly experienced teacher across all ages and phases. He is passionate about inspiring and enabling quality learning and quality teaching, exploiting creativity and thinking differently. He is very experienced at enabling different users to make highly effective use of technologies in a wide range of contexts


For a decade Paul worked as a Learning and Teaching Consultant mapping the curriculum with teachers to maximise ICT opportunities, jointly teaching in class, leading exciting projects including Gaming For Learning using Myst Exile and Wii. In 2010 he led on the introduction of iPad devices across the local authority and subsequent Mobile Device Management. He worked for four years with the Regional Training Centre at elearning@luton providing cutting edge learning using Apple technologies and the TV studio.


Megans story –

Chris Murphy

Chris Murphy


Chris is Vice Principal at Cedar Lodge Special School in Belfast, Northern Ireland. He is an Apple Distinguished Educator and played a crucial role in the School becoming an Apple Regional Training Centre (RTC). As an Apple RTC they offer educators in the local area the opportunity to learn how Apple technology can make a difference to teaching and learning in the classroom.


Cedar Lodge School, Belfast –

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