Trade in the devices you have for the devices you want!

Upgrading your Apple device to the latest version can be more affordable than you might think with our ReviveIT trade in service.

Why ReviveIT?

A combination of build, quality, durability and usability means Apple devices maintain a high residual value even after 3 years of use. By promoting re-use over recycling, combined with our deep understanding of secondary use markets, Academia are able to offer attractive trade in values of up to 35% when purchasing your next Apple device.

Request a Trade in Price Today

“University for the Creative Arts (UCA) started to utilise Academia’s ReviveIT service approximately 2 years ago as part of our replacement desktop programme, which typically takes place each summer. One of the main benefits for UCA was Academia’s ability to deliver our new computers to desk, whilst at the same time taking away the packaging and old/retired computers. This value added service has been crucial at a time when internal resources are stretched.


Other benefits of the service include a full inventory of our assets, certificates for data erasure/destruction and better residual valuations than some alternative WEEE disposal companies. To conclude, we are very happy with Academia’s ReviveIT service and would recommend them to others.”


James Tempest

University for the Creative Arts

How does it work?

1 - Share your inventory

2 - Trade in price offered by Academia

3 - Place order for new devices

4 - Collect old assets & transfer ownership

5 - Data wipe devices and provide audit certificates

Watch our video to see our ReviveIT service in action

Watch our video to see our ReviveIT service in action

High Security Data Erasure


Protecting your organisation’s data from a breach is a key consideration for any  Trade In.


As a business accredited to ISO 270001:2013, our robust Information Security Management System provides complete duty of care from the collection of your used assets through to data destruction and certification. All devices are processed utilising NCSC approved data sanitization software from Blancco or where this fails, physical hard drive destruction. We ensure all data bearing assets are made safe and provide you with a full audit trail for every asset.

Refurbish and remarket to return value


Once devices are data free, our qualified team will deep clean and refurbish working devices, preparing them for resale.


Using our international partner network, we achieve best value for a wide range of IT assets and after costs we return the residual value to our customers.Those items that are too old or in poor condition are treated as WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) and collected by our AATF partner for full recycling, allowing us to maintain a zero landfill policy.

Sustainability benefits

As well as a financial benefit to your organisation our ReviveIT service provides a more sustainable model for IT usage globally. One study suggests as much as 240KG of fossil fuels, 22kg of chemicals and 1500kg of water are used in the supply chain and production of a single computer 1. By finding secondary markets for working Apple devices our ReviveIT service helps to reduce the global demand and therefore production of new devices, reducing emissions and the associated mining of raw materials.


We can also help organisations demonstrate carbon savings when trading in Apple devices based on a little known fact.


Up to 95% of a devices carbon footprint comes from its production and transportation 2, by trading in devices, organisations share this carbon footprint with its secondary and tertiary user. When taking this into account with the potential to reduce the number of new devices manufactured outlined above, our ReviveIT scheme can deliver a real difference in the battle against carbon emissions.

1 Eric Williams, Computers and the Environment. Understanding and managing their impact, 2004
2, Product environmental report – iPad Pro (11-inch), October 30 2018

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What happens to my redundant IT equipment?

    We operate a zero landfill policy with around 85% of all collected items refurbished and remarketed. Those items that cannot be refurbished are broken down into component parts and recycled by AAFT partners.

  • What documentation will I receive?

    Upon collection of any goods you will receive a detailed inventory of all equipment collected including asset transfer documentation. Once all goods have been processed a detailed audit report and data destruction certificates will be issued providing a complete audit trail.

  • What Financial Return can I expect?

    This is dependent on many factors including the specification of the device and its working and physical condition. Typically Apple devices return the highest value with up to 35% of the original purchase price returned to customers.

  • How long does the process take?

    From the collection of goods to receipt of your audit report documentation and financial return the process takes between 2-4 weeks. 

Did you know?

Trade in your old devices to reduce the cost of new Apple devices by up to 30%. Utilising Academia's Revive IT Service you are able to unlock the residual value of your old Apple devices to reduce the cost of their replacement. For any working device manufactured from 2008 onwards we can offer a credit towards the purchase of new Apple devices.

Request a Trade in Price Today

Contact us today to reduce the total cost of ownership for your new hardware purchases.

Call 01992 703 900 or email to speak with our specialists

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