Device Management Services

Our, Jamf based, managed macOS and iOS services…


How about we don’t wait until you have a problem before we talk?


So you have Apple devices in your estate, and they’re running wild. You’ve identified the need to manage them, but to paraphrase the most quoted phrase on the internet; you need a very particular set of skills, acquired over a long career to turn the nightmare into a compliant, automated, Student and Staff-friendly environment.


As one of the leading Jamf integrators in the country (and using our own trained and accredited in-house engineers), we can officially provide you with the mandatory JumpStart service as part of your new Jamf purchase.


Installation Assistance
While a JumpStart is great, sometimes you need a bit more of a helping hand to set everything up and get you going. We do this! Either remotely, attended on-site or combination of the two – your choice!


Private Cloud Hosting
Pretty much does what it says on the tin – if you’d rather have your Jamf instance in our secure, self-operated Private Cloud (all hosted in UK Datacenters) than in the Public Cloud, look no further!


Health Check
Already have Jamf, but the install is a bit long in the tooth and needs a tune-up? Our engineers will go through a methodical health check to let you know where your install stands, and what to do to get the most out of it.


Ongoing Support
So you have Jamf, and you’ve been JumpStarted… now what? Our Jamf Support contracts are tailored to your needs to make sure we’re always at hand when you need help, or even if you just fancy a nerdy chat about an idea (an idea involving Jamf of course… although our engineers will also happily talk about Star Wars or Game of Thrones too).


Fully Managed Service
If you’ve identified the need for Mobile Device Management (good job, right move!) but don’t want or have the resource to maintain or support it ongoing, we’ll do absolutely everything for you. Well, we won’t do your washing up, but we will manage your Apple infrastructure end to end!

Contact us today to find out how we can help your organisation.



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Some things that many people find boring, but we find super interesting…


Compliance, Security, Productivity, Student and Staff Experience, Success & Happiness


The above are things that should be kept in mind when creating a working environment but are often forgotten because technical things get in the way. At some point the cost to manage the solution gets attention and often there is an attempt to address the challenges with more tech. Our approach is to start with the Student and staff’s needs and work backwards to the right technology to make this work.


If you are searching through the internet for device management solutions, it’s likely from a compliance perspective. GDPR did a great job of focussing minds but we have met with organisations that have been “creative” with Cyber Essentials. This will get you the certificate but does not address the real issue. A solution that ticks boxes is great, but organisations need the means to enforce and protect beyond prescribed process. Which leads nicely on to…


Let’s not beat around the bush, this is about protecting data and preventing the means to disrupt core activity. An organisation needs to know who has access to what and what with. Each of the Industry leading ecosystems (Apple, Google & Microsoft) provide the means to control Student or staff access and track usage. We often see organisations investing in Intrusion prevention or firewall methodology, but the headlines are made with examples of compromising the user i.e. Phishing or unattended devices. To which an immediate reaction is to lock down devices, but that can hamper…


Students and staff need to do what they are there for. Time spent resolving a reason why they can’t do so from a technical perspective generates cost three times; Time not spent doing the job, time spent by them resolving the issue and the support teams’ time spent on the resolution. By focussing on what the user needs to do and applying robust technology to support this, productivity is not compromised. Some ecosystems such as Apple have built-in security, such as encryption, that happens without the Student or staff knowing so they can get on with work. With less restrictions and hindrances they are able to do a better job. So…

Student and Staff Experience

We often see that two groups really care about this. At one end we have the CTO, CIO or HR, and at the other end the device-using workforce. The team in the middle are normally focussed on SLA, compliance or ticket management and whereas all these things have an effect on experience, delivering a positive experience is not necessarily the goal. We create solutions that are Student and Staff experience-focussed as this approach tends to lead to …


Our support program is based around understanding what success looks like for our customers. We have the technology, but this is only applied to deliver a positive outcome. Success at Student and staff level will back up through the chain so that IT Management and director level will all benefit. This will then generate…


Did you just laugh? Good. Everybody makes decisions based on how they feel so, if everyone who touches the technology you supply is happy, then the organisation is going to benefit from that. Reducing stress by empowering Students and Staff to be creative and successful makes for an easier life for everyone. Organisations that have a solution that supports this and still manages to deliver on the security and compliance will retain staff and reduce time off due to sickness.

Support Comparison


L1 SupportL2 SupportL3 Support

Fully Managed Service

Qualified Jamf Experts
Monthly Device Asset Report
Priority EscalationX
Executive Business ReviewAnnual (on site)Bi-Annual (on site)Bi-Annual (on site)
Engineering ReviewBi-Annual (remote)Quarterly (remote)Quarterly (on site)
Free Application Packaging* (Mac only)
Target Response Time4 Hours3 Hours2 Hours
Helpdesk InstancesUnlimited** Unlimited** Unlimited**
Private Cloud Hosting££
Permanent On-site Engineer£££
MIS Integration (Education Only)£


£ = Available at an additional cost
* see list
**Subject to reasonable terms
*** Volume discounts available

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help your organisation.

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