Remote learning with Talbot Heath School and de Ferrers Academy

Friday 3rd April 2020  |  10:00am


Join this webinar to get some tips, resources and advice on remote learning from Talbot Heath School and de Ferrers Academy.

Who should attend?


Anyone interested in getting some advice and guidance on remote learning.


Hear about some tips, resources and advice on remote learning from Talbot Heath School and de Ferrers Academy. Joining the webinar will be:


Tom Able-Green (Host)
UK & IRE Education Solutions Manager – Academia,


Jo Maule
E-Learning Manager at Talbot Heath School and Bournemouth Apple Regional Training Centre Manager


Greg Hughes
Vice Principal – Learning Tech & Curriculum at de Ferrers Academy


Mat Pullen
Senior lecturer in ITE at Uni of South Wales. Apple Professional learning specialist

Tips, resources, and advice for remote learning Find out more