Academies After Show

Miss us at the Academies Show?

Miss us at the Academies Show? Let us fill you in you in on what you missed.

For those unaware or never been to the Academies Show, the exhibition and conference style event is the one day gathering of companies who are on hand to support school business management, teaching quality and pupil outcomes in the academic space. So of course, your technology experts from Academia had to make an appearance.

Supported by our partners from Apple, with whom our number 1 ranking on the higher education framework is still big news in the education space, (, Academia had an exhibition stand and a bespoke speaker slot at the show attended by over 3,000 education specialists across the UK.

Alongside 200 other education suppliers, our mission was to educate, stimulate and innovate the minds of those there that Technology, as essential as it is in schools, is not just for the must-haves, but also the have-nots. Here is what you missed:


The Dynamic Duo

The Dynamic Duo

Speaking on the Learning Theatre 1 stage in the morning slot, Tom Able-Green, our Education Solutions Manager, and Paul Hutton, our Apple Education Trainer, gave a masterclass on the everyday teacher question of how to shape the classroom of the future with Technology.

With customary bravado and self-esteemed approach to presenting that has served both our specialists speakers well, Tom and Paul’s reputation, as always, proceeded them with the buzz and excitement of the crowd arriving early in an attempt to not miss out. After a battle to pick the right seat and a small glitch with the ‘silent disco’ style headphones, we had an audience of over 150 with a few turning it into a ‘standing room only’ event.

Academies Crowd

For the next 30 minutes, the crowd were treated to a session outlining their own experiences in the teaching and education space by helping the audience understand what great learning with technology will look like, both today and in 5 years’ time. This included a lesson on how we, as teachers and leaders, had to prepare schools for the learning experiences of the future – the collective gasp when Tom revealed that 60% of school children today will work in a job in the future that does not currently exist because of technology was a great picture capture moment as always.

Continuing with Paul’s take on real examples of the transformation in learning and technology, the pair went on to give their insights into harnessing talk for writing, problem solving, collaboration, assessment and the growth of augmented reality in education. With the audience enthralled, the pair finished with their take on how support and guidance from Apple technology can shape your own school vision and bring it to reality.

To learn more about the ‘classroom in the box’ solution that was championed by our Dynamic Duo, please see our Apple BoxED proposition for all here: HYPERLINK TO BOXED APPPLE PAGE


Stand and Deliver

Stand and DeliverWith support from our bespoke furniture for schools partners at Zioxi (, we were able to form a mini classroom of the future on Stand 848 with the use of the Zioxi P1 Collaborative table and chairs, a revolutionary desk with a shared display screen that could be hidden away at the touch of a button. Supplementing this was the Zioxi powerDome and cableRing, providing a mix of mains and usb power sockets and the use of retractable cables including HDMI, VGA, Ethernet, and all mobile cables – yes, our desk charged your phone!

On our bespoke table was our offering from Apple (, with a showcase of the MacBook Pro, iPad Pro, and iMac Pro devices all on hand to let attendee’s trial the classroom friendly equipment with the latest apps and supporting programs. Each device was well supported by the Academia technicians, on hand to help show how the Apple Technology was easy to use and able to support academic learning in schools.

Conversations on the stand were intriguing, ranging from concerns about funding for technology upgrades to understanding how children are in need of better computers to offer a more rounded education that is in line with 21st century innovation. Our team also met with many teachers, bursars and governors who had many questions for the team about software for hardware, data security and what did we think about the notoriety of the GDPR bandwagon.

Academia StandOf course, the team from Academia, all qualified and skilled in the arts of technology support, were on hand to offer opinion, advice and a full scale tech health check on the education establishment in question.


So you missed Academia at the Academies Show? It is never too late to tell us your education story, our team, as always, are keen to hear it.

For any press, marketing, events or speaker enquiries, please contact us on

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