Terms and Conditions



1.1 In these terms and conditions the following words have the meanings given:-


“Business Day” means any day other than a Saturday, Sunday or a bank or public holiday in England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland;


“Contract” means a contract for the purchase by the Customer of Products or Services from Academia incorporating these terms and conditions and arising from the acceptance by Academia of an Order;


CTO: Configure To Order, a custom built machine.


“Customer” means the person, organisation or company ordering Products or Services;


DOA: Dead On Arrival means item did not work when received by the buyer.


ERMA: Electronic Returned Materials Authorisation is the electronic version of a RMA.


“Delivery” means when possession or control of the Products is offered or transferred to the Customer or its agent or upon delivery by Academia or its agent to an address given by the Customer;


“Group” means in relation to any that company and every other company which for the time being is a subsidiary or holding company (as defined in the Companies Act 1985) of that company or subsidiary of such holding company;


“Hardware” means any computer hardware, networking equipment, or peripheral products supplied by Academia to the Customer but not including any consumables;


“Intellectual Property Rights” means copyright, patent, trademark, service marks, registered designs, sui generis rights, know-how, confidential information, trade or business names or other similar rights together with applications for any of the foregoing;


“Licence Agreement” means any licence agreement relating to use of the Software; “Order” means any written order for Products, or Products and Services, received by Academia from the Customer;


“Product” means the Hardware and/or Software ordered by the Customer from Academia from time to time;


“Academia” means Academia Ltd or any of its subsidiaries or any such other company as Academia Ltd may appoint as sub-contractor to provide the Services to the Customer;


“Services” means any consultancy, training, configuration or installation services provided by Academia in conjunction with, or without, the supply of Products;


“Software” means any computer software supplied by Academia, whether embodied in ROM, RAM, firmware or on disk, tape or other media.


“Vendor” means any original provider of Hardware offered by Academia.


1.2 All other words and expressions are to be given their normal English meaning taken in the context of the Contract. Any dispute as to the meaning of a word is to be settled by reference to the Oxford English Dictionary.


1.3 Any reference to a clause shall mean a clause of these terms and conditions unless otherwise stated.


1.4 The use of headings in these terms and conditions shall be for convenience only and shall not affect the interpretation of these terms and conditions.


1.5 Reference to any statute or statutory provision or any other regulation includes any provision which subsequently supersedes it or re-enacts it (whether with or without modification).



2.1 All Orders submitted by the Customer to Academia and accepted by Academia shall be subject to these following terms and conditions which shall form part of and govern any Contract.


2.2 Acceptance by the Customer of any estimate or quotation for Products and/or Services issued by Academia shall be deemed to be acceptance of these terms and conditions.


2.3 Any terms and conditions appearing in any Order or other document whatsoever issued by the Customer shall be void and of no effect and these terms and conditions shall override any previous agreements relating to the provision of Products or Services between the parties.


2.4 No waiver of or amendment to these terms and conditions shall be effective unless made in writing and signed by Academia.


2.5 The Contract contains the entire agreement of the parties in relation to the supply of Products or Services by Academia to the Customer and the Customer irrevocably waives any right it might have to claim for damages and/or to rescind a Contract because of any misrepresentation by Academia (unless such misrepresentation was made fraudulently) or any warranty not contained in the Contract.



3.1 All prices for Products or Services stated in any quote, estimate or acceptance of Order are those current at the time of the Customer’s enquiry. The price payable by the Customer for Products or Services will be the price in force at the time of delivery of the Products or supply of Services to the Customer and Academia reserves the right to pass on to the Customer any increase in the price of Products or Services occurring after the time of any quotation, estimate or acceptance of an Order by Academia.


3.2 All prices for the Products are exclusive of Value Added Tax or other applicable sales tax whether in substitution or in addition which shall be paid by the Customer at the rate from time to time in force.


3.3 Unless otherwise agreed in writing by Academia, all prices for the Products are exclusive of Academia’s charges for delivery, handling or Services which will be added to Academia’s invoice for the Products.



4.1 Academia may offer the Customer a discount on the price of its Products and Services from time to time (Price Discount).


4.2 The amount of any Price Discount shall be set out in Academia’s acceptance of Order and shall reduce the price payable by the Customer to Academia by such an amount.


4.3 Any Price Discount given to the Customer is given on the understanding that Academia will be able to recover the full amount of the Price Discount as a rebate from its Vendor(s) due to the Customer qualifying for such a rebate.


4.4 By paying Academia a discounted price for Goods and Services the Customer confirms that it is a qualifying institution and agrees to provide Academia with all necessary evidence it may require to make an application to its Vendors to recover the Price Discount.


4.5 If the Customer has received the benefit of a Price Discount and Academia has not recovered from its Vendor the full amount of such a Price Discount within [2] months of Academia submitting an application to its Vendor for a rebate of the amount of the Price Discount then Academia may invoice the Customer for the amount of the Price Discount that remain unpaid. Any invoice submitted by Academia in accordance with this clause 4.5 shall be payable by the customer immediately.

ademia, all prices for the Products are exclusive of Academia’s charges for delivery, handling or Services which will be added to Academia’s invoice for the Products.



5.1 Academia may at its discretion offer credit terms to the Customer subject to the status of the Customer and completion by the Customer of a credit application form supplied by Academia. Such credit terms shall be governed by separate terms agreed between Academia and the Customer.


5.2 Subject to any credit terms agreed, the Customer shall pay for Products or Services no later than 30 days following the date of Academia’s invoice. Services are provided on a pre-paid, call-off basis and therefore are payable in full upon invoice.


5.3 If Products are delivered in instalments Academia reserves the right to invoice each instalment as and when Delivery is made to the Customer in which case payment shall be due in accordance with clause 4.2 above notwithstanding non-delivery of other instalments or fulfilment of the entire order.


5.4 If any payments are overdue the Customer will be placed on credit hold and no further Products or Services will be delivered or made available to the Customer until all payments due to Academia under the Contract have been paid. Repeated failure by the Customer to comply with Academia’s payment terms will result in permanent withdrawal of credit facilities.

5.5 If payment is not received by the relevant due date Academia may charge the Customer interest on any overdue amount (on a daily basis) from the due date of payment to the date of actual payment (both dates inclusive) at the rate of four (4) per cent above the Nat West Bank PLC Base Rate for the time being in force.


5.6 All payments made by the Customer to Academia shall be in sterling in immediately available funds free and clear of any right of set off or counter claim or any withholding or deduction whatsoever.



6.1 Title to and property in any Products will remain vested in Academia until payment in full of the purchase price (together with any interest and VAT thereon) and in cleared funds has been received by Academia in respect of:-


(i) those Products; and

(ii) all other amounts payable by the Customer to Academia (whether or not due for payment).


6.2 Title to and property in Products will remain with Academia notwithstanding that the relevant Products have been Delivered and/or incorporated in or affixed to other products including, for the avoidance of doubt, the storage of or incorporation of any Software in ROM, RAM or any other hardware, software or firmware or other media whatsoever.


6.3 Until such time as title to and property in any Products passes to the Customer, the Customer will store those Products on its premises in conditions that adequately protect them and separately from the Customer’s own goods or those of any other person and clearly marked as Academia’s property, and the Customer shall redeliver the Products to Academia on demand.


6.4 If the Customer fails to redeliver any Product on demand in accordance with clause 5.3, Academia shall be entitled with or without notice, without incurring any liability to the Customer, to enter the Customer’s premises for the purpose of taking possession of the Product, and to take such steps as are necessary to remove the Product including the right to dismantle any product into which the Product has been incorporated and the right to detach the Product from any other goods to which the Product has been attached.


6.5 The Customer shall fully indemnify Academia in respect of all Academia’s costs (including legal costs) in connection with enforcing the provisions of clause 6.4.


6.6 Until such time as, in accordance with the above provisions, either the Customer shall have ceased to have the right to retain possession of any Product or shall have acquired title to and property in the Product the Customer is hereby authorised by Academia to sell the same and to pass good title to its customers if they purchase the Product in good faith without notice of Academia’s rights. This right shall automatically cease on the occurrence of any of the events set out in clause 17 and/or if any sum owed to Academia is not paid when due.


6.7 Where a Product is sold or otherwise disposed of to a third party before title to and property in it has passed to the Customer, the sale will constitute a sale by the Customer of Academia’s property, and the Customer shall hold on trust for Academia such sum as represents, or is equivalent to, the price at which the Product concerned was invoiced by Academia to the Customer. Such proceeds shall be paid by the Customer into a separate bank account opened for the purpose and approved by Academia and shall ensure that in no circumstances are the proceeds mingled with other money or paid into any overdrawn bank account that are at all times identified as Academia’s money.


6.8 If the Customer has not received the proceeds of any such sale or disposition, it will, if required by Academia, assign to Academia forthwith all rights against the person, firm or company by whom the proceeds are owed.



7.1 Any dates quoted or mentioned by Academia for Delivery of the Products or the provision of the Services whether verbally or otherwise are estimates only and whilst Academia will use all reasonable endeavours to meet such dates it cannot guarantee to do so. Time will not be of the essence in the Delivery of the Products or the performance of the Services. Academia shall have no liability to the Customer if it fails to meet any requested, quoted, estimated or agreed date for Delivery of Products or the provision of the Services. Academia will be entitled to a reasonable extension of time in which to effect Delivery of the Products or perform the Services.


7.2 Academia shall be entitled to make a partial Delivery of the Products or Delivery by instalments.


7.3 Notwithstanding clause 5 above, the risk in any Product shall pass to the Customer on Delivery.


7.4 All illustrations or specifications contained in any catalogues or publicity material produced by Academia are approximate only and are only intended to convey a general idea of the Products or Services and any typographical, clerical or other error or omission in any literature/document or information issued by Academia will be correctable without notice or any liability to the Customer.



8.1 Where Products are delivered to the Customer, the Customer must inspect the Products immediately upon their arrival to check whether:-


(a) the Products have been damaged in transit; and


(b) the Products are those, and in the quantity, specified in the Order.


8.2 Any discrepancy between the Products delivered and those specified in the Order and/or any damage to the Products in transit must be notified to Academia in writing within two Business Days of receipt by the Customer of the Products.


8.3 In the case of non-delivery of Products, the Customer must notify Academia in writing within two Business Days of receipt by the Customer of Academia’s delivery note or invoice (whichever is earlier).


8.4 No claim for damage in transit, non-compliance with the Order or non-delivery will be considered by Academia unless the Customer complies with the provisions of this clause.


8.5 If the Customer requests Academia to provide duplicate copies of any signed delivery notes, a charge of £12.00 (Twelve Pounds) per copy shall be made by Academia and invoiced accordingly.



9.1 The Customer will be deemed to have accepted Products or Services as being in accordance with the Contract unless the Customer notifies Academia in writing of any defect in materials or workmanship or failure to comply with specifications or other data supplied by the Customer or any other failure of the Products or Services which would be apparent on reasonable inspection of the Products within five Business Days from the date of delivery of the Products or completion of the Services (whichever is later).


9.2 In the event of a valid claim by the Customer under Clause 9.1, Academia shall upon return of the defective Product at its option replace the relevant Product or arrange for repair of the Product within a reasonable time at no cost to the Customer but otherwise shall have no liability for such non-compliance.



10.1 The Customer shall be entirely responsible for:-


(a) providing a suitable environment for the installation of the Products; and

(b) unless otherwise agreed by Academia, the installation of the Products.

(c) using the Products in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and recommendations (including those contained in any Licence Agreement).

(d) carrying out cleaning operations as recommended by the Product manufacturer or Academia.


10.2 The Customer shall provide such access to its premises, personnel and facilities as Academia shall reasonably require in order to provide the Services.


10.3 The Customer will provide Academia with such information as it may reasonably need concerning the Customer’s operations and answers to queries, decisions and approvals which may be reasonably necessary for Academia to undertake any Services within five (5) working days. The Customer is responsible for ensuring that such information and answers are accurate and complete. Academia will, to the extent reasonably practicable, give the Customer reasonable prior notice of any information or answers it requires in accordance with this clause 9 and will notify the Customer promptly in writing if it considers the Customer to have failed to provide information or answers in accordance with this clause 10 or if it has reason to suspect that any information is inaccurate or incomplete.


10.4 In the event the Services includes installation the Customer will provide, free of charge, the following facilities to authorised personnel of Academia and its Sub-Contractors throughout the Customer’s normal business hours and at such other times as the Customer authorises after reasonable prior notice from Academia (such authorisation not to be reasonably withheld or delayed):


a) access to and use of the Customer equipment and unloading equipment, access to the Customer’s employees, the products and the site;


b) all electric power, lighting, heating and air conditioning reasonably needed by the Academia to perform the Services.


c) office space suitable for this purpose and the provision of normal office services including first aid, photocopying, telephone and facsimile facilities (but excluding any secretarial support, typing and photocopying facilities needed to produce any documentation for which Academia is responsible), and such facilities may be used only for the purposes of providing the Services.


d) competent operators for the Products and any relevant Customer equipment.


10.5 The Customer shall also be responsible for ensuring that the Customer’s existing hardware and software is properly installed and is sufficient and suitable for its purpose and that any adjustments which may be required are carried out expeditiously. Academia will be responsible for connecting the Products to Customer’s existing hardware with the co-operation of the Customer.



11.1 Except as provided herein, the Customer shall not be entitled to return any Product or cancel any Orders which Academia has accepted without Academia’s prior written agreement and any such cancellation or return shall be subject to:-


(a) the Customer indemnifying Academia in full for any costs, charge, expenses, damages or loss (including loss of profit) incurred or suffered by Academia in respect of such return or cancellation; and

(b) the Product returned being accompanied by a reference to an RMA number issued by Academia and being in stock condition, complete with all packing and appropriately boxed.


11.2 The Customer shall be responsible for the cost of carriage and insurance in respect of all Products returned to Academia, which Products shall also be at the Customer’s risk until actual receipt by Academia.



12.1  Academia may modify the specification of any Product to be supplied by Academia and/or substitute substantially conforming components provided the modifications and/or substitutions do not adversely affect the performance of the Product. Academia will wherever practicable advise the Customer of all such modifications or substitutions in advance of delivering the Product to the Customer.



13.1  Academia, to the extent that it is permitted to do so, hereby assigns the benefit of any guarantee or warranty covering any defects in Products received by Academia under an agreement with the manufacturer or supplier of the relevant Product.


13.2 The warranty service (if any) will be that provided by the manufacturer or supplier (as the case may be) and any validation procedures relating to that warranty service are the responsibility of the Customer.


13.3 Academia may in its discretion offer support or maintenance services with respect to Products and such services shall be governed by separate terms agreed between Academia and the Customer.


13.4 The warranty of the manufacturer or supplier is in lieu of all other terms or conditions whether express or implied concerning the quality or fitness for purpose of Products and all such other terms and conditions are hereby excluded.


13.5 Academia warrants that the Services will be carried out with reasonable care and skill and by suitably trained and qualified persons.



14.1 Academia undertake that it will use all reasonable endeavours to obtain from the original manufacturer of the Products a warranty that the Products are Date Compliant, and to the extent that it is able, Academia will transfer to the Customer the benefits of any such warranty. For the purposes of this clause, “Date Compliant” means that neither the performance nor the functionality of the Products shall in any way be affected by any date and that the Products will be capable of correctly processing all dates.


14.2 Academia will in no circumstances be liable to the Customer for any losses, claims or damages whatever nature that the Customer may suffer as a result of the Products not being Date Compliant.


14.3 All other express or implied warranties or conditions relating to quality or fitness for purpose (whether implied by statute or otherwise) are hereby excluded in so far as they might apply in the event of the Products not Date Compliant.



15.1 The following provisions of this Clause 15 set out the total liability of Academia under or in connection with each Contract and whether in contract, tort (including negligence) for breach of statutory duty or otherwise.

15.2 Nothing in these terms and conditions shall limit or exclude either Party’s liability:

(a) for fraud; or

(b) for death or personal injury resulting from negligence; or

(c) to the extent not permitted by law.


15.3 The maximum liability of Academia whether in contract, tort or otherwise for any direct physical damage to tangible property caused by Academia shall be limited to the lesser of £500,000 per incident or series of incidents or an amount equal to the sums paid by the Customer under the Contract during the preceding 12 months.


15.4 The maximum liability of Academia to the Customer whether in contract, tort or otherwise for a direct loss or damage (other than to tangible property) shall be limited to the lesser of £100,000 or an amount equal to the sums paid by the Customer under the Contract during the preceding 12 months.


15.5 Academia shall not be liable to the Customer whether in contract, tort or otherwise and even if foreseeable by or on the contemplation of Academia for:-

(a) any loss of profits, business, revenue, goodwill, data or anticipated savings, whether sustained by the Customer or any other person; or

(b) any special, indirect, or consequential loss whether sustained by the Customer or any other person.


15.6 The Customer acknowledges that the level of Charges has been calculated on the basis that Academia’s liability will be limited in accordance with this clause. The Customer may by written notice request Academia to agree a higher limit of liability provided insurance cover can be obtained therefor and the Customer will pay any additional premiums incurred by Academia as a result.


15.7 Except as otherwise specifically provided in these terms and conditions, Academia hereby excludes to the fullest extent permissible in law, all conditions, warranties, terms and stipulations, express (other than those set out in these terms and conditions) or implied, statutory, customary or otherwise which, but for such exclusion, would or might subsist in favour of the Customer.



16.1 All Intellectual Property Rights in or in relation to the Products (including any manuals and operating documentation relating thereto) or in any materials (including Software) created by Academia during the course of providing the Services shall vest in Academia or its suppliers as the case may be and the Customer shall have no title to or interest in any such Intellectual Property Rights except to the extent specifically agreed by Academia.


16.2 The Customer shall notify Academia immediately if it becomes aware of any illegal or unauthorised use of any of the Products or any of the Intellectual Property Rights in the Products and will assist Academia and/or its suppliers in taking steps necessary to defend the owners’ rights.


16.3 The Customer undertakes to execute and comply with the terms of any Licence Agreement relating to the use of any Software.


16.4 Where no Licence Agreement is used, the Customer is hereby granted a non-assignable, non-exclusive Licence to use any Software together with documentation accompanying such Software subject to payment by the Customer of the stipulated Licence fee.


16.5 Unless specifically authorised under a Licence Agreement, the Customer undertakes that it shall not (and that it shall not employ nor permit any third party) attempt to copy, adapt, amend, disassemble, de-compile or reverse engineer Software or any part thereof except to the extent allowed by English law.


16.6 The Customer further acknowledges that Software and all accompanying operating documentation and manuals are confidential and subject to the terms of clause 17.



17.1 Each party shall treat as confidential all information obtained from the other which is specifically designated as confidential or propriety and shall not divulge such information to any person (except to such party’s own employees and the only to those employees who need to know the same) without the other party’s prior written consent.


17.2 This clause shall not extend to any information which was rightfully in the possession of a party prior to the commencement of the negotiations leading to a Contract, which is already public knowledge or becomes so at a future date (otherwise than as a result of a breach of the clause) or which is trivial or obvious.


17.3 Each party shall ensure that its employees are aware of and comply with the provisions of this clause.



18.1 Without prejudice to any other rights or remedies Academia might have against the Customer Academia may terminate a Contract or suspend the performance of its obligations under a Contract forthwith by notice in writing to the Customer if:-


(a) the Customer defaults in making payment for any of the Products or Services supplied by Academia within seven days of its due date;

(b) any steps are taken or negotiations commenced by the Customer or any of its creditors with a view to a kind of voluntary arrangement, compromise, or other arrangement between the Customer and its creditors; or

(c) the Customer is deemed unable to pay its debts within the meaning of section 123 of the Insolvency Act 1986 be unable to pay his debts or any steps are taken to wind up the Customer, or an administrator, administrative receiver or receiver is appointed over the Customer’s business or any part of its assets.


18.2 Upon termination of a Contract under clause 18.1, Academia have the right, without prejudice to any other right or remedy available, to enter the Customer’s premises and repossess the Product or any of them and shall have the right to dismantle any machinery, product, item or equipment into which the Product or any of them have been incorporated and the Customer shall be responsible for all Academia’s costs and expenses in connection with so doing.


18.3 Upon termination of a Contract under clause 18.1, the Licence granted to the Customer under clause 15.4 shall terminate forthwith and Academia shall at its options have the right without notice to enter on the Customer’s premises to remove any Software and all copies of the Software, or to request the Customer to return all copies of the Software, or to insist that the Customer destroys all copies of Software and certifies in writing that they have been destroyed.


18.4 Those clauses capable of surviving termination shall do so.



19.1 Academia reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions upon notice in writing to the Customer. Any such modification will apply on the effective date specified in the said notice to all Orders which are accepted by Academia on or after the date of notice. The Customer shall have thirty days from the date of notice within which to cancel any Order sent to Academia prior to the date of notice and not accepted by Academia at that date.



20.1 The Customer shall not assign or otherwise transfer any of its rights or obligations under a Contract whether in whole or in part without the prior written consent of Academia.



21.1 The Customer acknowledges that Academia has incurred significant costs in recruitment and training its employees to enable them to provide the Services. Accordingly the Customer agrees that it will not, and it will ensure that no other company within its Group will not, solicit or approach in any way, any of Academia’s employees who are involved in the provision of the Services with a view to offering the employment or to solicit services from them on their own account (whether for the Customer or another party) during the period of the Contract and for a period of six (6) months after the termination or expiration of the Contract.


21.2 The Customer acknowledges that damages will not be an adequate remedy for Academia if the Customer breaches clause 21.1 and that Academia will be entitled to seek injunctive relief and any other equitable remedies with respect to such breach.


21.3 If any employee of Academia leaves the employment of Academia as a result of a breach by the customer of clause 17.1 and commences employment with, or provided services to, the Customer or other member of the Customer’s Group it shall pay Academia 50% of the higher of:-


(a) the annual salary (including any benefits-in-kind, bonus payments, commissions and other emoluments) of the employee at the date that they ceased to be an employee of Academia; and

(b) the annual salary of the employee at the time they commence employment by the Customer or other member of the Customer’s Group


the Customer acknowledges that any such payment is by way of liquidated damages and is reasonable and genuine pre-estimate of Academia’s losses.



22.1 If any provisions, or portions thereof, of a Contract are held to be invalid and unenforceable under any applicable statute or rule of law, they are to that extent to be deemed omitted and the validity and/or enforceability of the remaining provisions of the Contract shall not be impaired or affected by that omission.



23.1 Neither party shall be liable for any delay of failure in performing any of its obligations under a Contract (except payment by the Customer of any sums due under a Contract) if such delay or failure is caused by circumstances beyond that party’s reasonable control.



24.1 All notices are required to be given hereunder shall be in writing and shall be sent to the registered address of the party in question.



25.1 The Customer acknowledges that certain Products may be subject to export controls imposed by United Kingdom or other Governments and undertakes to apply for and obtain any necessary licenses or other consents that may be necessary to export or take any product (or any part thereof) out of the United Kingdom.



26.1 The parties to this Agreement do not intend that any of its terms will be enforceable by virtue of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 by any person not a party to it.


26.2 Neither party shall be entitled to recover from the other under provisions of this Agreement more than once to the extent and in respect of the same liability of the other party or its loss.


26.3 Each of the parties hereto shall use all reasonable efforts to mitigate loss, damages, costs or expenses that it may suffer or incur in respect of which it desires to make recovery in whole or in part from the other party by way of indemnity or otherwise.

27. LAW


27.1 All Contracts shall be governed by, and constructed in accordance with, English law and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.



28.1. Every Request for return of goods must be addressed in writing through the RMA online form here or by emailing support@oldsite.academia.co.uk. Please try to provide as much information at this point, such as your order number and the reason for a return.


28.2.Goods will only be accepted once our Customer Service Department has advised you of a returns number and have accepted the RMA based on the information you provide.


28.3.Only products purchased at Academia Ltd can be returned. Verification will only be made by Invoice/Order number and in some cases the serial number will be required.


28.4. Returns will only be accepted if it is submitted via the RMA online tool within 14 days of receipt of goods. Return requests where the goods have been received more than 14 days ago will be automatically rejected. An exception to this is Adobe Volume Licenses which can be returned up to 30 days after invoice.


28.5. Returns are always subject to authorization by Customer Services and a Restocking/Administration fee may be applicable. You will be notified of any fees on acceptance of RMA submission. Restocking/Administration fees are typically 10% of the value of the goods or £25 (whichever is the greater amount). These usually occur when a customer ordering error.


28.6. For a return to be valid, the goods must be in pristine condition with the manufacturer’s seal still intact. Academia do not accept opened Goods. If Goods do not meet this condition they will be returned to sender and the RMA will be closed.



29.1. In the instance this is a customer error, you are required to pay for, and arrange the courier. We are able to do this on your behalf, but please note there will be a cost involved of £5 per box. If you opt for this service we will not be liable for the goods in transit. The goods will only be considered returned once the supplier has acknowledged their safe and correct return. Please note, we will only arrange this collection once, if this fails the responsibility then falls to you to return the items.


29.2. If you arrange your own courier, we require the tracking details to monitor the arrival of the goods to the return warehouse.


29.3. In some instances we will arrange the collection for you without cost, please note this will be advised upon and agreed in our initial email communication regarding your return. Please note, we will only arrange this collection once, if this fails the responsibility then falls to you to return the items.


29.4. The item is your responsibility until received by the returns warehouse. Therefore, for your own protection we recommend that you send the parcel using a secure and traceable service



30.1. The DOA conditions for any product(s) reflect those of the manufacturer. For standard Apple Items, this needs to be within 24 hours of receipt of purchase. If you ever have any queries, please email support@oldsite.academia.co.uk and we will look into the return of the device(s) on a case by case basis.


30.2. Academia Ltd does not offer any warranty other than that granted by the Manufacturer to Academia Ltd. Consequently, if AcademiaCARE or CARE+ has been purchased, the conditions of this care will be valid.


30.3. Apple warranty repairs must be submitted through Apple directly unless AcademiaCARE or CARE+ has been purchased.


30.4. For details regarding Manufacturer’s warranty please visit the Manufacturers website and view their Terms and Conditions.


30.5. Please note point 30.4. Does not apply to DOA and Warranty returns although all faulty goods should be securely packed and sealed for transit.



31.1. Return Requests for damaged goods must be logged via the online ERMA tool, or by emailing support@oldsite.academia.co.uk within 1 working week. Any requests after this time will be automatically rejected. Please note this does not guarantee the return and replacement of damaged goods, it only registers the request. Academia strongly advises that any parcels that arrive damaged must be either refused or the damage noted on the signature to the courier. Photographic evidence will be required so please provide this at the point of logging your request.


31.2. Damaged Product Returns are subject to inspection by Academia. Should Academia deem the fault to not be consistent with the quality control of the manufacturer or misuse of the courier then Academia have the right to close the RMA Request and return the goods without credit.


31.3. If your request is out of returns terms and conditions we will advise you to contact the manufacturer directly to resolve the issue.


31.4. Please note point 2.4 does not apply to damaged product returns although all damaged goods should be securely packed and sealed for transit.



32.1. Please note the following products cannot be returned under any circumstance:


a) All custom built machines (CTOs); these are a non-cancellation, non-returnable product.


b) No Electronic licenses can be returned for credit once issued by the manufacturer (with the exception of Adobe).


c) Electronic AppleCare (Educational Version) are non-returnable.



33.1. – Send an email to feedback@oldsite.academia.co.uk to submit a complaint online and you will receive an automatic bounce back which will provide you with a support ticket reference. If you ever need to speak to anyone via telephone regarding your complaint, please quote the reference.

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