Create, learn, work, play, and do pretty much anything

Powerful assistive features are built into iPad to complement vision, hearing, motor skills, learning, and literacy.

Apple Solution Expert Education

Welcome to Academia’s Special educational needs and disability (SEND) library.

The purpose of the library is to hold a range of FREE material on:


  • The built in accessibility features of the iPad
  • An overview of some useful apps for the SEND classroom
  • Activity ideas for the SEND classroom
  • Case studies of how Apple technology is used within the SEND classroom


We would like to create a SEND community and encourage people to share their experiences and useful material that they currently use.


Please send any material that you would like to upload to the library to

Academia has worked closely with Paul Hutton on constructing the initial content for the library.

Paul is a highly experienced teacher across all ages and phases. He is passionate about inspiring and enabling quality learning and quality teaching, exploiting creativity and thinking differently. He is very experienced at enabling different users to make highly effective use of technologies in a wide range of contexts. In additional to teaching in the UK he has taught in France and in Australia.

He has led ICT development, worked in leadership teams and has been a school governor.


For a decade Paul worked as a Learning and Teaching Consultant mapping the curriculum with teachers to maximise ICT opportunities, jointly teaching in class, leading exciting projects including Gaming For Learning using Myst Exile and Wii. In 2010 he led on the introduction of iPad devices across the local authority and subsequent Mobile Device Management. He worked for four years with the Regional Training Centre at elearning@luton providing cutting edge learning using Apple technologies and the TV studio.

Cedar Lodge School

Watch: Cedar Lodge School Case Study –


“A Special Needs School that has introduced the iPad on a 1:1 basis and seen some fantastic results. The iPad has transformed teaching and learning at the School.”

Dame Ellen Pinsent School

Watch: Dame Ellen Pinsent School –


“A Special Needs Primary School that has introduced the iPad on a 1:1 basis. The iPad has provided the students with a flexible learning environment and provided some great successes in teaching and learning”

Two Minute Tutorial Videos

Supporting Vision


“There are many Accessibility features built into iOS 11 for iPad and iPhone. In this video we will look at the accessibility features that can equip students who may have a range of vision impairments.”

Display Accommodations


In this video we look at an accessibility feature called Display Accommodations, which provides support for users who may have a range of vision impairments.

Guided Access


In this video, we will look at Guided Access. Guided Access enables an iPad to be locked into a single app. This is very useful in keeping a learner to stay focused on a single task.

Browse the library.

Academia SEND Sample Creativity

Academia SEND Provision

App Review – Green Screen

App Review – Touch Autism

App Review – Curator

Reaching all learners with iPad

Explore the physical and motor skills accessibility features built into other Apple products.





Tips, resources, and advice for remote learning Find out more